I am now a wellness advocate for dōTERRA essential oils and I have been busy sharing my stories!! If you haven't heard of them yet, you're missing out! Please email me at Jamie.ditrapani@gmail.com or find my group on Facebook and add yourself (https://m.facebook.com/groups/1628220600734451?ref=bookmark), if you're interested in changing your health care for a healthier solution. A healthier way to clean your house, rid your child(ren) of pain and discomfort, yourself of pain and discomfort, and just over all better health! Below is a picture of the kit I purchased! I'd love to tell you more about them!
Clare has been so active! She is a feisty almost 15 month old. She loves to play with everything but her toys! However, she does love her baby doll! She loves it like it is her own! I know she's ready to be a big sister when the time comes! She loves on her cousin like he belongs to her! Whenever we see him she kisses him and sings to him and comforts him (and cries with him).
Oh, ya know just wearing my aunties nursing cover carrying my baby around in it. Time to get her her own Ergo! ;)
She has also been eating a more foods! We went through a food strike there for a couple of months where is was a hot dog, Mac and cheese, quesadillas, cheese (Babybel) and yogurt. Cheese and yogurt are are our go to foods! I need her/want her to eat something I will either dip it in yogurt, add it to yogurt or slather it in cheese!
We have graduated to homemade Mac and cheese with peas and carrots! She has started to love strawberries with a tiny bit of sugar. She has tried salmon and loved it, but the next time I fed it to her she wouldn't eat it...Fathom that!!
I am still on my pumping journey, pumping one time per day. Weaning has been an extremely emotional journey. I am ready to be done but I'm holding on to my last pump for dear life! I pump after Clare goes to bed and that is her bottle for the next morning. Other than that she gets two bottles of frozen breastmilk a day, sometimes only one. I'm almost 15 months pp. for all you mama's out there who breastfeed or pump, what an amazing journey it is and a huge sacrifice you make!
Spring is finally starting to show it's self around here. There were a couple of nice days this past weekend and my husband and I took Clare to the zoo! She had a blast! She LOVES walking around. Needless to say she slept for 3 hours!
Yesterday, March 19th my husband and I celebrated 12 years being together. It's crazy to think that 12 years ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. Now we are married, with an amazing little family! I'm so excited to see what the future has in store for us! He surprised me last night and brought me flowers!!
I hope I can continue to share my life's journey with all of you! I'm so sorry I have been MIA and am going to try really hard to post every day or every other Day!
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