Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Homemade baby wipes

If you would have asked me 2 years ago, "Would you ever make your own baby wipes?" I would have looked at you cross eyed and said, "How is that even possible??"

Well here I am, 2 years later ;) making my sweet Clare's baby wipes. I've never been happier to spend nap time making baby wipes! Normally I like to spend her nap time taking my own "nap", or cleaning up around the house, but when we are low on baby wipes I get excited to make them! 

Here is what you'll need. 

- canister to put the paper towel role into (I used the oxo good grip canister)
- a serrated knife (I use the bread knife)
- 1 1/2 cups distilled water (I use from fridge dispenser) (my mil told me if you use warm water the mixture mixes better together) 
- 1/2 a papertowel roll
- 1 tablespoon Castile soap
- 1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil
- 2-3 drops each melaleuca 
- 2-3 drops lavender 
- Measure cup optional. You could just use a bowl to mix it in 

Cut papertowel in half (it's kind of a pain) 

Place 1/2 of the papertowel role into  canister of your choice (make sure the papertowel roll fits, I bought something and I had to SMASH the papertowel in to it.. It didn't work so well) 

Add liquids to the measuring cup. 

Then dump mixture over the papertowel dumping over the whole entire top. 

Seal the canister and let sit for an hour. Then turn it upside down and let it sit for another hour! Voilà! Homemade baby wipes!! 

Monday, June 1, 2015


So I found a recipe for a turkey meatloaf on Pinterest like a year ago and have been religiously using it. We were at one point having it once a month, at least! 

I've decided that I'd like to start eating healthier so I added a couple things to it; shredded zucchini and shredded carrots. I only had to add one each and boy, did it come out moist! The ingredients are as follows:

2lbs turkey (I always use a pack from Costco and they come in four so I don't know how many pounds mine actually is... Maybe 1 1/3lb)
1 cup milk (I used organic tonight and didn't add quite a cup because of the zicchini and carrots, add moisture)
1 egg (I used cage free)
1 onion chopped fine (I did 1/2)
One zucchini (I did organic and left the skin on)
1 carrot (organic and they were the colorful ones, I used an orange one) 
1 1/4 cup bread crumbs (I use Panko and only added 2/3-1cup) 
Salt  (I used Himalayan) and pepper to taste (I hate this saying because you can't taste raw meat!!!)

The sauce on top is:
3 table spoons yellow mustard
3 table spoons brown sugar 
1/3 cup ketchup


Mix all ingredients in a bowl then form into a log on a baking pan (I'm sure you could use a loaf pan too, I just never have. It's easier to serve)

Once formed to your liking top with sauce. 

I also made little mini muffin cups for clare (17 months old) and at first she wanted nothing to do with them. But after I put them an adult dish and gave her an adult fork she ate pretty well! I was impressed. 

I have a pretty picky eater so I was thrilled and we cheered her on as she ate each bite. I hope this recipe can help your picky eater, no matter how big or small! My hubs wouldn't have even known that I added veggies if he couldn't see them! Said it tasted the same, except a more moist!